December 2, 2010 in Events

Free Group Distant Healing

Title: Free Group Distant Healing
Location: Worldwide
Description: Living Intentionally is once again delighted to offer a free, global distant healing session. To participate in the session, simply set the intention that you will be included. You may also act as a proxy for those who you feel would benefit from the session. Living Intentionally very carefully sets safeguards such that only those who would benefit from receiving the session will do so.

The session will take place on:

Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010
Time: 12:00 PM JST (UT +0900) / 8:00 PM (Fri. MST)
Duration: 1 hour
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2010-12-18
End Time: 13:00


  1. July 6, 2014 at 3:13 pm



    I hope you are fine & doing good.I am very happy to be here in your page very much feeling very blessed to be here.I am very happy to be here in your page very much feeling very blessed.Seems like you really care about humanity.I am reading about you feeling so blessed that there are lovely & healing souls like you all that cares for the world.
    I am an higher level empath as well feel like i am a victim all the time .I i tend to accumulate all kind of fears as we hear news about women,children being suffered i always get a victim feeling that this will also happen to me i get fear attacks & start visualising these crimes on me..i just want a small help from you if you could do it for me by giving me free prayers & healings .i want to change & control my thoughts.please help me to protect & shield myself. I really have lots of respect of you all from the deepest core of my heart.Please keep me & my family in your all upcoming healing events, personal prayers, prayer chains for longer time i want to heal myself .I am going through lots of problems,pains & suffering illness,it seems like life has stuck & isnot moving forward in my life with lots of upsets from all aspects of life.Life has been full of struggles,illnesses & failures for me.
    Please keep me & my family in your daily prayers, upcoming healings free events healings, personal prayers for longer time if possible with all of the intentions i have mentioned below.Will you help me by giving us prayers & healings for removal of all negativities & curses from our ancestry & family tree forever,healings & complete dissolving my deep rooted fears,phobias & panic attacks forever,protecting & shielding myself forever ,healings of all illnesses,healings betterment of all relationships guidances & blessings upon departed,living & upcoming souls of my family tree with healings of my past lives baggages,karmic accounts ,meeting my twin flame soon who is decent,conventional man,who is my true soul-mate with blessed marriage lasting forever,decent jobs with financial blessings,Divine blessings,Divine protections,miracles, in all aspects of our life upon us where ever we move on throughout our life forever.
    U all can also circulate my request with intentions, Please just mention my first name (Guddy and entire family) only while asking for prayer and healing requests.I hope i am not troubling you.Please keep me in your healings chains & prayers chains too,please forgive me if i am troubling you or annoying you.Waiting for your reply,thankyou so much,See U,Take Care.MAY GOD BLESS U ALL & Ur FAMILY ABUNDANTLY WITH ALL ASPECTS FOREVER.Amen!!!

    1. July 6, 2014 at 5:28 pm

      Trane Francks


      Hi, Guddy.

      We’ll be happy to include you in all our free group distant healing sessions. The way we set things up is that anybody who wishes to be included, WILL be included. We’ll make sure that when we create a new session, these permanent include wishes will be carried over from session to session.

      Much love to you and your family!


  2. June 28, 2011 at 7:59 pm

    Ramesh Prasad Thapaliya


    Name – Ramesh Prasad Thapaliya
    Location – Nepal (City -Kathmandu , Place- koteshwor)
    Birth date – Jan 14,1988.
    Please! Please! Please! Please! ………….. healed me for below lists:

    * Thyroid Gland
    * Eye
    * Brain
    * Stomach
    * Teeth
    * Physical, mental & spiritual health
    * All chakras
    * Present, past and future.
    * Auras
    * Dreams
    * Exams( Regular & Back) and appeared exams of Computer Engineering.

    I am waiting to receive powerful HEALING energies.
    I will be very THANKFUL for healing.

    1. July 11, 2011 at 5:07 am

      Trane Francks



      I hope you’re feeling better now.


  3. December 19, 2010 at 9:14 am



    I just came across the info for Free Group Distant Healing. I think I missed it as I don’t see a way to connect to the event. Would like to know about upcoming events. Thank you.

    1. December 19, 2010 at 9:22 am



      Hi, Deborah. Thanks for dropping by the site. You should find that your browser has a way of connecting to Living Intentionally’s RSS feed. That would get site updates pushed directly to you and you would be notified of new distant healing events automatically.

      I try to schedule one event per month, but I’ve been enjoying them so much that I think I may increase the frequency. 🙂 So, either drop by the site from time to time or get hooked up with the RSS feed. I look forward to having you participate in future sessions.


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