December 7, 2010 in Health, Lifestyle

Reminders to Move Forward

On my way to my salsa dance class tonight, my back totally seized up.  When it happened, I was just sitting down on the train. I was just on my way down to the seat and – lurch – the train began moving. Instant spasm.

“OW! Where the heck did that come from?”

Okay, I may have been a little more forceful in my language than that. 😀

As I was watching my salsa class from the sideline, I thought a lot about the timing of things and why I may have drawn this to me. I mean, I absolutely love salsa, so there must be something else going on.

It took a while for me to figure it out, but the answer finally came. The seizing up of my back is a reminder to move forward in the face of change – to not get stuck in the moment for one reason or the other and wait around for something to happen.

Aside from the healing work, I am an independent contractor focusing on software localization and programming. For the last couple of months, I’ve done more sitting (waiting) and less walking (action) than is required for proper physical and emotional balance. Without going into boring details, I’ve ignored basic physical needs in the name of making myself available to my clients. Today, I’m paying the piper for that decision.

I write it here often that one should take care of Self first and foremost, yet today represents a rather amusing (and painful) reminder that I sometimes talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

Rain or shine, I’m out the door for a hike up the mountain tomorrow. Thank you, Source, for the not-so-gentle reminder of where my priorities lay.

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