Trusting the Process, Trusting Yourself
Yesterday, I spent nearly 8 hours plugging away at a series of database problems on-site at a client’s office in Tokyo. It was an interesting and fun day working on a database I’d never seen before, using database tools I’d never used before for a product that was released way back in 1993. One that I’d no experience with whatsoever.
My life as an engineer seems to very often lead me into uncharted waters. It’s almost always scary, especially when your client is looking at you as having all the answers all while you’re looking at the screen trying to intuit what to do next. And in that regard, I give myself up fully to the Zen of the moment, trusting that I will be guided to the answer.
Giving up and allowing the moment to unfold in complete faith that all will be well works miracles. My clients love my work. I have huge fun working to arrive at a solution. At the end of the day, everybody wins.
In times of stress when you’re facing a problem and you don’t know how you’ll solve it, trusting the process and trusting yourself to arrive at a timely solution are of paramount importance. The more you’re willing to let go of the stress, sit with the moment and allow it to unfold as it should, the more you’ll see your own successes.
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