December 14, 2010 in Health, Lifestyle, Manifesting

The Stillness and the Bustle

The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity for me. It’s been a really good time, I must say, but it leaves me very much reminded of the contrast to be found in peace and stillness. This afternoon, I’m finding myself wanting a bit of that stillness, preferably near a nice body of water. I do love water.

With all the business goings-on lately, I still haven’t managed to fully address my back seizing up last week. That’s an interesting thing for me to witness. Being aware of a problem and really not having adequate time to deal with it is potentially frustrating. Thankfully, I’ve not been bothered by it. I’ve grinned and wondered why it happened and then manifested not being able to work with it. There’s something there. I just don’t know what it is.

That said, it’s been a great week. An unexpected business trip has netted welcome additional cash-flow. It has enabled me to touch base with people. It has given me a change of pace, which is always a good thing. All the while, my back is making a gradual improvement. Nothing earth-shattering, but every day I move more freely.

Now, I just need to make some time to enjoy the stillness. And since there aren’t any large bodies of water near me in this part of Tokyo, well, I’ll just have to find that stillness inside. And that’s not a bad thing.

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