December 19, 2010 in Events, Meditation, QiGong, Quantum-Touch

Looking Back at Paying it Forward

A few weeks ago, we had a lovely Pay It Forward campaign surface on Facebook and it took off like wildfire. Living Intentionally stepped up to the plate, offering no less than three free distant healing sessions. All one had to do was to either comment here on the site or on one of my two Facebook accounts (Living Intentionally and Trane Francks).

Surprisingly, nobody stepped forward to ask for a session. So, this is to tell you folks to not be shy! It doesn’t matter whether you’re a friend or a stranger, a Reiki Master or a total beginner in the world of energy healing. If you’d like a free, 30-minute healing session from me, let me know.

Comment! I’m really looking forward to giving away these sessions. Give yourself a Christmas present of healing. 🙂


  1. January 1, 2011 at 6:30 pm



    Hi Trane – I somehow missed this plus have been away briefly. I would so like a healing session from you and then pay it forward as well. I don’t know about time differences and when it would be suitable for you. Botswana is GMT (London time ) plus 2 hours – at the moment. I am on skype as well as you know. Can we hook up some time? By the way have been reading your blogs this morning and have so appreciated them – just what I needed right now so I am on track again after veering off course a little in my thinking the last few days. Much appreciated. Wendy

    1. January 2, 2011 at 11:17 am



      Hi, Wendy. I’d be delighted to have a session with you. I’m at GMT +0900, so I’m 7 hours ahead of you. If you have time for a morning session, I could have a session with you sometime in the late afternoon to early evening here. I’ll be in touch in Skype to arrange it with you.

      Thank you for this opportunity to serve.

  2. December 24, 2010 at 8:28 am



    Hi Trane, its Anna here from Grateful mystic. I know this is a busy time for people but if I am not too late can I have a healing session? If you can’t do one dont worry. I did not see your email until 5 mins ago or would have responded sooner lol.

    Heres wishing you and yours a happy holy day!!!

    All the best Anna

    1. December 24, 2010 at 11:40 am



      Hi, Anna. I’d be delighted to give you a session. E-mail me so that we can arrange a mutually-agreeable time. 🙂

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