A Rare Lunar Eclipse on the Solstice

A lunar eclipse on the same day as the winter solstice is a rare event indeed. The last time this happened, it was 1638. It’s only the second time in the last two millennia it’s happened. And the next one won’t come till 2094. Since I was born in 1961, the chances of me seeing the next one are just a wee bit slim.
Energetically, the solstice is an active time. This is a high-energy period that is well suited to inner work, meditation and reflecting on what has happened. When we add the significance of a lunar eclipse to the date, it really opens us up to some wow changes to come.
I’ve been working a lot on my inner self. I’m really happy to see where I’ve ended up thus far. I have every reason to believe the coming year will be the best I’ve ever experienced.
What are you in the midst of creating?
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