November 12, 2012 in Events, Relationships

Remembering So That We May Grow

Today’s image is a little larger than normal. As I listen to the Remembrance Day Special, I find myself being moved more than perhaps at any time in my life. Two minutes of silence. The silence is shattered by the guns’ salute. The bagpipes begin to drone. And my breath catches in a growing knot in my throat.

These moments are important opportunities to grow. It’s a sad testament to humanity that we have been locked in conflict since the Dawn of Civilization some 5,000 years ago. The good news is that while all modern man has ever known is conflict, our tribal/clan roots stem from a paradigm of altruism and mutual support.

I think that we, as a species, must look to the peacemakers for clues to finding the humanity we have seemingly lost. Many share their lives in helping others to heal themselves. Many have great insights into our journey of growth. Those who teach softness, understanding, listening and warmth will ultimately become the true leaders of this world.

Although some would argue that traditions of Remembrance in recognition of the Fallen is shallow, it’s been my experience that it isn’t the day itself that matters. What matters is availing oneself to the opportunity to recognize the importance of our shared heritage and to grow from it.

To those who stand for peace, love and freedom — in all their forms — I say Thank You. And to those who are struggling to find peace, acceptance and joy along their journey, I offer you comfort, solace and encouragement. You’re not alone.

May we all strive for a world of peace, love and altruism.

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